Sunday, December 9, 2012


Tonight I hit up the Wild West. Will Smith wasn't there. Neither were cacti or buffalo. Notice I did not say guns because I'm sure there were plenty of those in women's purses, mens pockets, and other places that will remain nameless. But everyone in Texas is packing heat, I'm dead serious (no pun intended).

Anywho, had there been horses, mine would have gone home wearing one of these.

That's right. You are seeing this. It's a disco ball. In the shape of a saddle. Hanging from the ceiling.
And here are Budweiser's marketing dollars hard at work. Stroke that Texan ego, works every time.

We danced it up country style and I loved every minute. Cowboys (some hot, some not), two steppin', line dancin', and even some wobblin'. Yes ma'am, I sure did learn The Wobble. Check it out. 
And then imagine a bunch of cowboys. 

The end, a country night to remember.


  1. You were probably really good at the wobble, right?

  2. I tore up that dance floor muffs. You would have too, obv.

  3. I love the wobble - you gotta get some bootie shaking in there too.
